Thursday, April 17, 2008


National Olympic Committees Gather In Beijing
© IOC7 April 2008
The Association of National Olympic Committees (ANOC) has begun a full week of meetings in Beijing (5-10 April), which will culminate with the 205 National Olympic Committees (NOC) of the Olympic Movement participating at the XVI ANOC General Assembly. So that the NOCs can prepare for the Olympic Games in the best possible conditions, every four years, ANOC holds its General Assembly in the host city of the upcoming summer Games, which is why the meeting is taking place in Beijing for the first time this year. In addition to the General Assembly, ANOC will also hold an Executive Council meeting and meetings of the regional associations. A joint meeting between the IOC Executive Board and the NOCs will also be held at the end of this week.
This week’s ANOC meetings, as well as looking at issues affecting the world’s NOCs, will focus on the upcoming Olympic Games, with nearly half the agenda items dealing with this topic. At a press conference following the Executive Council meeting, ANOC President and IOC member Mario Vázquez Raña said that his organisation did not have any major concerns as far as the upcoming Games were concerned, and that he expected even fewer problems as the Games drew closer. He added to his comments by saying how confident he was that these would be marvellous Olympic Games.
Serve Humanity Vázquez Raña also pointed out during the press conference that he had seen many improvements in the city of Beijing over the years, and how he was sure that the Games had contributed to that progress. He concluded the media briefing by saying that he hoped that the Beijing Games would serve humanity, allowing for greater understanding between the peoples of the world, and how these Games would also be of great benefit to China. As the ANOC meetings progress this week, it will undoubtedly be a chance for the NOCs of the world to continue that process of understanding with each other.

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