Thursday, April 17, 2008


చిరంజీవి పార్టీ సందేహమేనా?మంగళవారం, ఏప్రిల్ 15 2008, 17:25 Hrs (IST)  తెలుగులో ఉచిత న్యూస్ లెటర్ కోసం

చిరంజీవి రాజకీయ పార్టీ పెట్టకపోవచ్చన్న వదంతులు సర్వత్రా వ్యాపిస్తున్నాయి. రాజశేఖరరెడ్డి ప్రభుత్వం అనేక విధాలుగా చిరంజీవిని బ్లాక్ మెయిల్ చేస్తూ ఆయనను రాజకీయాల్లోకి రాకుండా చూస్తోందన్న అభిప్రాయం సినీ రంగ ప్రముఖుల్లో ఉంది.చిరంజీవి బ్లడ్ బ్యాంకులో అనేక అవకతవకలు ఉన్న విషయాన్ని అధికారులు వైఎస్ కు నివేదించారట. అదీగాక చిరంజీవి ఆస్తులకు సంబంధించిన గుప్త సమాచారం కూడా కేంద్ర ప్రభుత్వం వద్ద ఉందని సమాచారం. కేంద్ర ఆర్ధిక శాఖకు చెందిన ఎన్ ఫోర్స్ మెంట్ అధికారుల నుంచి ఈ సమాచారాన్ని రాష్ట్ర కాంగ్రెస్ పాలకులు తెప్పించుకున్నట్టు తెలిసింది.అల్లు అరవింద్ వంటి కుటుంబ సభ్యుల వత్తిడికి తలొగ్గిన చిరంజీవి రాజకీయాల గురించి ఆలోచిస్తున్నారే కానీ ఆయనకు మనస్ఫూర్తిగా ఇష్టం లేదని చెబుతున్నారు. చిరంజీవికి రాజకీయాల్లోకి వచ్చి సొంత డబ్బు పాడుచేసుకోవడం ఇష్టం లేదంటున్నారు. చిరంజీవి పార్టీపై మీడియాలో వార్తా కథనాలు బాగా తగ్గిపోయాయి.నెలరోజుల్లో చిరంజీవి ముందుకు రానట్టయితే ఆయన రాజకీయాల్లోకి శాశ్వతంగా రాకపోవచ్చన్ని రాజకీయ పరిశీలకులు అంచనా వేస్తున్నారు.
Tags: chiranjeevi, actor chiranjeevi, chiru political party, chiru blood bank, chiru


BEIJING 2008: Final Coordination Commission Ends
4 April 2008
The International Olympic Committee (IOC)’s Coordination Commission for the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games yesterday concluded its tenth and final meeting with the Beijing Organising Committee (BOCOG) confident that BOCOG is on the right track with its preparations for this summer’s Olympic Games, which begin in only 127 days. The Commission, which is the body appointed by the IOC to oversee the operational aspects of the Games, spent three days (1-3 April) in the Chinese capital helping to guide the organisers as they work to put on successful Games this August.
Gold Medal Performance
Commenting at the conclusion of the meetings, Coordination Commission Chairman Hein Verbruggen said, “BOCOG is progressing well with all of its operations and we are confident that our Chinese friends will put on great Games for the athletes of the world. The IOC noted an increased level of support from the government authorities for the Organising Committee, which will undoubtedly help reinforce BOCOG’s excellent work. We were satisfied by the assurances we received across a number of areas – media service levels, including internet access, brand protection, environmental contingency plans for improved air quality, and the live broadcast feed. BOCOG must now fine-tune its operations over the final four months; an ability to act as an integrated team, with straightforward processes to enable timely decision-making, will be extremely important. There is every reason to believe that a gold medal performance is within its grasp and that the world will marvel at superb Olympic and Paralympic Games.”
Welcoming The World
Continuing his comments, Verbruggen said, “This being our last Commission meeting – although of course I will return with a smaller team in the coming months – allow me to say it has been a pleasure to work with President Liu Qi and his team. BOCOG has worked relentlessly for nearly seven years now. They, plus the Chinese people, who are so excited about welcoming the world to their country, and of course the world’s athletes, for whom the Olympic Games are staged first and foremost, deserve success and a great event this summer.”
44 Different Functions
In addition to working on some 44 different functions that are tracked as part of the analysis to gain a perspective of Games preparations – from sport, spectator services, venues and technology to finance, marketing and medical services - the Commission members spent time appraising the physical readiness by visiting the Olympic Green and some of the venues located in this area.
Beijing 2008The Games of the XXIX Olympiad – Beijing 2008 will take place from 8 to 24 August 2008. The Games in Beijing will play host to the 28 summer sports currently on the Olympic programme. Approximately 10,500 athletes are expected to participate in the Games with around 20,000 accredited media bringing the Games to the world.


National Olympic Committees Gather In Beijing
© IOC7 April 2008
The Association of National Olympic Committees (ANOC) has begun a full week of meetings in Beijing (5-10 April), which will culminate with the 205 National Olympic Committees (NOC) of the Olympic Movement participating at the XVI ANOC General Assembly. So that the NOCs can prepare for the Olympic Games in the best possible conditions, every four years, ANOC holds its General Assembly in the host city of the upcoming summer Games, which is why the meeting is taking place in Beijing for the first time this year. In addition to the General Assembly, ANOC will also hold an Executive Council meeting and meetings of the regional associations. A joint meeting between the IOC Executive Board and the NOCs will also be held at the end of this week.
This week’s ANOC meetings, as well as looking at issues affecting the world’s NOCs, will focus on the upcoming Olympic Games, with nearly half the agenda items dealing with this topic. At a press conference following the Executive Council meeting, ANOC President and IOC member Mario Vázquez Raña said that his organisation did not have any major concerns as far as the upcoming Games were concerned, and that he expected even fewer problems as the Games drew closer. He added to his comments by saying how confident he was that these would be marvellous Olympic Games.
Serve Humanity Vázquez Raña also pointed out during the press conference that he had seen many improvements in the city of Beijing over the years, and how he was sure that the Games had contributed to that progress. He concluded the media briefing by saying that he hoped that the Beijing Games would serve humanity, allowing for greater understanding between the peoples of the world, and how these Games would also be of great benefit to China. As the ANOC meetings progress this week, it will undoubtedly be a chance for the NOCs of the world to continue that process of understanding with each other.


2010 YOG in Singapore: Preparations in Full Swing
© SYOGOC7 April 2008
Barely one month after the election of Singapore as the host city of the 1st Summer Youth Olympic Games in 2010, preparations are already in full swing. On Saturday, IOC President Jacques Rogge, accompanied by IOC member Sergey Bubka, toured the city and some of the venues where the competitions will take place. “This matches exactly what the Youth Olympic Games have to be. The venues fit the purpose perfectly and on top of that they are all in a perimeter of a few kilometres”, the President underlined. The visit also included the NUS, the university that will host the brand new Olympic Village.

Sport, Education, ArtPresident Rogge and Sergey Bubka, Chairman of the Coordination Commission for the Singapore Youth Olympic Games, also had the opportunity to meet students from different schools and universities in which the National Olympic Committee had already launched an Olympic educational programme. In their presentation the students were highlighted the Olympic values, which form - according to them - “the backbone of all Olympic action”. Impressed by their study, the IOC President invited them to contribute actively to the “Virtual Olympic Congress”, a lead-up operation in view of the 2009 Congress in Copenhagen. The President also unveiled an artwork at the Singapore Olympic Academy. He then concluded: “Singapore will fulfil its mission to present an attractive and convincing cultural and educational programme. “
Official Host City Contract Signing Ceremony During his stay in Singapore, the President paid a visit to the headquarters of the Organising Committee, where he encouraged the staff to proceed in the same enthusiastic and dynamic manner as they have done so far. He then attended the signing ceremony of the Host City Contract in the presence of Mr Miang Chian Meng, Permanent Secretary of the Ministry for Community Development, Youth and Sports, and IOC member Ng Ser Miang, who was recently appointed Chairman of the Singapore Youth Olympic Games Organising Committee (SYOGOC). The first Summer Youth Olympic Games in Singapore will bring together approximately 3,200 athletes and 800 officials in 2010. The sports programme will encompass all 26 sports on the programme of the 2012 Summer Olympic Games, with a limited number of disciplines and events. Learn more about the Youth Olympic Games (YOG)


NOCs discuss air quality in Beijing
© IOC/Richard Juilliart8 April 2008
Exactly four months before the start of the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games, delegations from 205 National Olympic Committees (NOCs) learnt today about the IOC's latest appraisal of the air quality in the Chinese capital. On the occasion of the XVI General Assembly of the Association of National Olympic Committees (ANOC) currently taking place in Beijing, IOC Medical Director Patrick Schamasch explained the results of an analysis of a set of data which were taken during last summer's test events.
Satisfying outcomes The data included temperature, wind, humidity and SO2, NO2, CO, Ozone and PM10 readings, which were taken by the Beijing Environment Protection Bureau from 8 to 29 August 2007. Subsequently, the IOC Medical Commission evaluated the data on the basis of the WHO 2005 interim target standards. The findings indicate that, at Games time one year out, the health of athletes was largely not impaired. This finding is upheld by the fact that no health issues related to air quality were reported to the IOC by any of the team physicians who looked after athletes competing during the August 2007 test events. Nor were any such problems reported at the IAAF Junior World Championships that were held in August 2006. Moreover, measures are continuously being taken by the Chinese authorities which can be expected to improve the air quality further when compared with 2006 and 2007.
Procedures to protect the athletesFor outdoor endurance events that include minimum one-hour continuous physical efforts at high level – urban road cycling, mountain biking, marathon, marathon swimming, triathlon and road walk - the IOC Medical Commission’s findings indicated that there may be some risk. The IOC will, therefore, be working together with the relevant International Federations in order to put in place procedures which will allow a “plan B” to be activated for such events if necessary. Schamasch explained that the procedure will include daily monitoring of air quality and weather conditions at the venue, a reporting process from the Beijing Environment Protection Bureau to the IOC and relevant sports Federations, and a joint IOC-Sports Federation decision to postpone the event if necessary. He concluded: "Be ensured that the health and safety of the competing athletes is of the utmost importance for us". Official website of Beijing 2008


"Freedom of expression is a basic human right"
© IOC/R.Juilliart10 April 2008
IOC President: 'Freedom of expression is a basic human right, and that application of rule 51 is a matter of common sense.'

"A person's ability to express his or her opinion is a basic human right and as such does not need to have a specific clause in the Olympic Charter because its place is implicit", explained the IOC President as he addressed the 205 National Olympic Committees (NOCs) gathered in Beijing today.

"But we do ask that there is no propaganda nor demonstrations at Olympic Games venues for the very good and simple reason that we have 205 countries and territories represented, many of whom are in conflict, and the Games are not the place to take political nor religious stances."

Rule 51.3 provides that “no kind of demonstration or political, religious or racial propaganda is permitted in any Olympic sites, venues or areas," a principle that has been in the Olympic Charter for more than 50 years in order to preserve the universality of the Games. "The application of this regulation is common sense," explained Rogge, adding that without this rule, Olympic competitions and ceremonies could be used as a stage for all different kinds of political statements about armed conflicts, regional differences of all kind, religious disputes and many others.

"If athletes genuinely want to express their opinion, that's fine, Rogge continued". But let's not forget, there is also the right not to express an opinion. Athletes should feel no moral obligation to speak out. They deserve the right to focus on their preparations and should not be made to feel obliged to express themselves if they do not wish to. The IOC and the National Olympic Committees have the duty to protect them from any kind of pressure. In any case, I do not expect there will be many incidents (of breach of rule 51). Athletes are mature and intelligent people. They will know what they can say or not say. If they have doubts, the IOC and the NOCs are here to guide them’ Rogge concluded.

Closing the morning's meetings, Rogge told the delegates, "Go back home to your country, speak to your athletes, tell them the Games are well organised; it will be their Games and the world will enjoy watching them."
Podcast (see below)IOC President on the freedom of expression of athletes


"Freedom of expression is a basic human right"
© IOC/R.Juilliart10 April 2008
IOC President: 'Freedom of expression is a basic human right, and that application of rule 51 is a matter of common sense.'

"A person's ability to express his or her opinion is a basic human right and as such does not need to have a specific clause in the Olympic Charter because its place is implicit", explained the IOC President as he addressed the 205 National Olympic Committees (NOCs) gathered in Beijing today.

"But we do ask that there is no propaganda nor demonstrations at Olympic Games venues for the very good and simple reason that we have 205 countries and territories represented, many of whom are in conflict, and the Games are not the place to take political nor religious stances."

Rule 51.3 provides that “no kind of demonstration or political, religious or racial propaganda is permitted in any Olympic sites, venues or areas," a principle that has been in the Olympic Charter for more than 50 years in order to preserve the universality of the Games. "The application of this regulation is common sense," explained Rogge, adding that without this rule, Olympic competitions and ceremonies could be used as a stage for all different kinds of political statements about armed conflicts, regional differences of all kind, religious disputes and many others.

"If athletes genuinely want to express their opinion, that's fine, Rogge continued". But let's not forget, there is also the right not to express an opinion. Athletes should feel no moral obligation to speak out. They deserve the right to focus on their preparations and should not be made to feel obliged to express themselves if they do not wish to. The IOC and the National Olympic Committees have the duty to protect them from any kind of pressure. In any case, I do not expect there will be many incidents (of breach of rule 51). Athletes are mature and intelligent people. They will know what they can say or not say. If they have doubts, the IOC and the NOCs are here to guide them’ Rogge concluded.

Closing the morning's meetings, Rogge told the delegates, "Go back home to your country, speak to your athletes, tell them the Games are well organised; it will be their Games and the world will enjoy watching them."
Podcast (see below)IOC President on the freedom of expression of athletes

AP politics

[edit] Independence Era
Potti Sriramulu worked towards unifying all the Telugu-speaking people into one state.

[edit] Congress Era
The Indian National Congress party won all the state elections from the emergence of the state in 1953 till 1983.Many Prominent leaders have developed the state a lot by constructing projects like Nagarjuna Sagar and Srisailam Dams. The Congress leaders led the state with a very bad development until 1975.after 1980 caste politics has been improved in the dams has been constructed. Y S Rajasekhar Reddy era started by 2004 is very good time as the dams where required has been constructed but, the bad quality and the involvement of massive corruption in these projects aiding in defame of the party. Past, Present and Future trends suggest there are very bad days ahead for Congress.

[edit] First separate Telangana movement
It was started by Chenna Reddy, despite TPS, the party of Shri M Chenna Reddy won the elections sweeping all but one seat, Indira Gandhi had Chenna Reddy give up the movement for the separate state.

[edit] Second Telangana movement
The second Telangana movement for a separate state was started by K. Chandrashekar Rao in 2001.

[edit] Emergence of Telugu Desam
NTR established his Telugu Desam Party (meaning, Land of Telugus) with the support of people's dissent arising out of frequent changes in chief ministers of Andhra Pradesh by Indira Gandhi, chief of Congress party. Within a record 9 months of establishing, Telugu Desam was voted to power and NTR became the first Non-Congress chief minister of Andhra Pradesh. Andhra Pradesh is the only state separated on the basis of Telugu speaking people.

[edit] Present Situation
Dr. Y.S. Rajasekhara Reddy of the Indian National Congress is the current Chief Minister of Andhra. His party won the 2004 elections as part of a coalition of with TRS. During the run-up to 2004 elections, Dr. Y.S Rajasekhar Reddy was able bring a common platform and mutual agreement within the Andhra Pradesh Congress Party. His campaign took form of a three-month-long "padhayatra" or foot-walk. The elections resulted in the defeat of the then-ruling Telugu Desam Party under the leadership of Chandrababu Naidu. The congress also won the municipal elections in 2005 and district local body elections in 2006 and also Panchayat Elections in 2006 with an overwhelming Majority. Passing by the moments, Farmers suicide and deteriorating phase of law, collapse of the Panjagutta Flyover, involvement of sons of Ministers and MLAs in Real estate killings, increase of Land Mafia around the State are counting enough for the negativity spread across the state for the Govt.

[edit] Politics and Media
The present politics in the state of Andhra Pradesh (AP) are divided between Congress and Telugu Desam.
Eenadu newspaper strongly favours and supports the Telugu Desam party, which was agreed to by it Managing Director Ramoji Rao other newspapers like Vaartha ( run by Girish Sanghi, Industrialist and director of Sanghi industries who joined Congress party during 2004 elections) and Sun Network(which owns Gemini and Teja channels) favour the congress party. This Press/media bias towards politics is not limited to the state of AP but it is present everywhere in India. YSR often openly threatens media. He adamantly points out the magnitude of corruption that was present in the Telugu Desam reign whenever questioned about the corruption in his government. Current trends suggest Congress will lose the next elections as people are fed up with the increasing corruption and discrepancy and misuse of power, human rights violation and non declaration of assets by ministers and MLAs including the chief minister etc. Most effected are the farmers. On an average there was no single day without a farmer's suicide because of the growing debts. Government audit authorities' reports criticized the Govt for ignoring the massive corruption in the Water Projects over the state.

[edit] References
- Politics in State of AP, India, Despande, Murthy, Rao, Sunday & Economic times 2004
- Indian Political moves and there applicability , Gajendra nayak, Stephen iyer, Asian Age 2003
- State of AP, Official government press releases, 1981-2004
- Caste system and its influence in south India, Manju Nair, Frontline
" - Eenandu, Vaartha, Andhra Jyothi, Andhra Prabha, Deccan chronicle, Times of India, The Hindu: News papers of India, Library reference British library, Bangalore, Steven guslie, sushma murthy, Manoj thakur"


IOC announces more stringent measures in its fight against doping
©IOC/R. Juilliart10 April 2008
In a move that further strengthens its armoury in the fight against doping, the IOC Executive Board today approved the Anti-Doping Rules for the Olympic Games in Beijing this summer. Outlined in a 41 page document which will be sent to all participants and posted on the IOC's web site - the rules describe the anti-doping regulations and procedures, including more stringent measures, that will be in force from 27 July (day of the opening of the Olympic Village) to 24 August (day of the Closing Ceremony).
Allied with an increase in the number of tests - up from 3,600 in Athens to 4,500, whereby as a general rule all top 5 finishers plus a further two will be tested, the fortified rules serve as a clear demonstration of the IOC's commitment to ensuring athletes play fair in Beijing.
Specific new elements include:- the provision that all athletes participating in the Olympic Games in Beijing will be subject to doping controls at any time or place, with no advance notice. - the fact that athletes who miss a test on two separate occasions during the Games or on one occasion during Games plus two in the 18 months prior, will be considered to have committed an anti-doping rule violation. - possession of any substance from the list of prohibited substances would constitute a violation (previously only a selection from the prohibited list would have applied)Over 1,000 people will be involved in the anti-doping programme from laboratory staff to sample-collection personnel and chaperones. A total of 206 people will accompany athletes until their arrival at the anti-doping control station. Strict security will be in force throughout the entire process including overseeing the transportation of blood and urine samples.
The increase in the number of tests is significant and will concern pre-competition controls, which have proven to be decisive. Of these 4,500 tests around 700 to 800 are said to apply to urine EP0 detection and 900 will be blood tests.
In another doping related decision taken today, the Executive Board disqualified the team mates of Marion Jones (previously disqualified from the Sydney 2000 Games) in the United States Women Relay team from the 4x100 meters race where the team placed third and the 4x400 meters race where the team placed first.
The USOC has been asked to return to the IOC all medals and diplomas awarded to the athletes involved.
The issue of reallocating the medals and diplomas – including those of Marion Jones’ – will be addressed by the Executive Board in due course pending further information in the BALCO affair.

AP politics

war started in andhra pradesh politics & telugu cinema industry.


IOC announces more stringent measures in its fight against doping
©IOC/R. Juilliart10 April 2008
In a move that further strengthens its armoury in the fight against doping, the IOC Executive Board today approved the Anti-Doping Rules for the Olympic Games in Beijing this summer. Outlined in a 41 page document which will be sent to all participants and posted on the IOC's web site - the rules describe the anti-doping regulations and procedures, including more stringent measures, that will be in force from 27 July (day of the opening of the Olympic Village) to 24 August (day of the Closing Ceremony).
Allied with an increase in the number of tests - up from 3,600 in Athens to 4,500, whereby as a general rule all top 5 finishers plus a further two will be tested, the fortified rules serve as a clear demonstration of the IOC's commitment to ensuring athletes play fair in Beijing.
Specific new elements include:- the provision that all athletes participating in the Olympic Games in Beijing will be subject to doping controls at any time or place, with no advance notice. - the fact that athletes who miss a test on two separate occasions during the Games or on one occasion during Games plus two in the 18 months prior, will be considered to have committed an anti-doping rule violation. - possession of any substance from the list of prohibited substances would constitute a violation (previously only a selection from the prohibited list would have applied)Over 1,000 people will be involved in the anti-doping programme from laboratory staff to sample-collection personnel and chaperones. A total of 206 people will accompany athletes until their arrival at the anti-doping control station. Strict security will be in force throughout the entire process including overseeing the transportation of blood and urine samples.
The increase in the number of tests is significant and will concern pre-competition controls, which have proven to be decisive. Of these 4,500 tests around 700 to 800 are said to apply to urine EP0 detection and 900 will be blood tests.
In another doping related decision taken today, the Executive Board disqualified the team mates of Marion Jones (previously disqualified from the Sydney 2000 Games) in the United States Women Relay team from the 4x100 meters race where the team placed third and the 4x400 meters race where the team placed first.
The USOC has been asked to return to the IOC all medals and diplomas awarded to the athletes involved.
The issue of reallocating the medals and diplomas – including those of Marion Jones’ – will be addressed by the Executive Board in due course pending further information in the BALCO affair.
IOC announces more stringent measures in its fight against doping
©IOC/R. Juilliart10 April 2008
In a move that further strengthens its armoury in the fight against doping, the IOC Executive Board today approved the Anti-Doping Rules for the Olympic Games in Beijing this summer. Outlined in a 41 page document which will be sent to all participants and posted on the IOC's web site - the rules describe the anti-doping regulations and procedures, including more stringent measures, that will be in force from 27 July (day of the opening of the Olympic Village) to 24 August (day of the Closing Ceremony).
Allied with an increase in the number of tests - up from 3,600 in Athens to 4,500, whereby as a general rule all top 5 finishers plus a further two will be tested, the fortified rules serve as a clear demonstration of the IOC's commitment to ensuring athletes play fair in Beijing.
Specific new elements include:- the provision that all athletes participating in the Olympic Games in Beijing will be subject to doping controls at any time or place, with no advance notice. - the fact that athletes who miss a test on two separate occasions during the Games or on one occasion during Games plus two in the 18 months prior, will be considered to have committed an anti-doping rule violation. - possession of any substance from the list of prohibited substances would constitute a violation (previously only a selection from the prohibited list would have applied)Over 1,000 people will be involved in the anti-doping programme from laboratory staff to sample-collection personnel and chaperones. A total of 206 people will accompany athletes until their arrival at the anti-doping control station. Strict security will be in force throughout the entire process including overseeing the transportation of blood and urine samples.
The increase in the number of tests is significant and will concern pre-competition controls, which have proven to be decisive. Of these 4,500 tests around 700 to 800 are said to apply to urine EP0 detection and 900 will be blood tests.
In another doping related decision taken today, the Executive Board disqualified the team mates of Marion Jones (previously disqualified from the Sydney 2000 Games) in the United States Women Relay team from the 4x100 meters race where the team placed third and the 4x400 meters race where the team placed first.
The USOC has been asked to return to the IOC all medals and diplomas awarded to the athletes involved.
The issue of reallocating the medals and diplomas – including those of Marion Jones’ – will be addressed by the Executive Board in due course pending further information in the BALCO affair.


ISLAMABAD, April 17 (Xinhua) -- The well-organized and trouble-free Beijing Olympics Torch Relay in Islamabad on Wednes
ISLAMABAD, April 17 (Xinhua) -- The well-organized and trouble-free Beijing Olympics Torch Relay in Islamabad on Wednesday has yet again established Pakistan's ability to hold international sporting events in a satisfactory manner, President of Pakistan Olympic Association (POA) said Thursday.
"The entire world was witness to our organizing abilities as the torch relay was shown live internationally", Syed Arif Hasan, President of POA told reporters here.
"The Beijing Olympics torch relay in Islamabad was diligently organized and its successful culmination should be an honor and pride for our people," Arif said.
A spectacular torch relay was held in Islamabad on Wednesday with dazzling fireworks, folk cultural shows, torch-carrying by the country's former sporting stars such as Jahangir Khan, Hassan Sardar and Samiullah and a stunning performance by a Chinese cultural troupe, official Associated Press of Pakistan reported.
"There was no problem of security during Olympic torch' stay in Islamabad," Arif said. "Even our Chinese friends who came with the Olympic torch were impressed with the way the different ceremonies of the torch relay was held."
Both the President and Prime Minister of Pakistan attended the Torch Relay.
Arif said the Torch Relay would help attract the youth towards sports which were the best ambassador abroad for a country and itspeople. He also disclosed that the government had released a grant of eight million rupees (around 127,000 U.S. dollars) and had also promised more for staging the torch relay, which was the first time since 1964 when Olympic torch visited Pakistan.
The Beijing Olympics Organizing Committee selected Islamabad as one of the 21 cities outside China's mainland for the torch relay.
Arif said a wild-card entry in shooting had already been given to Pakistan for the Beijing Olympic Games while hockey would be Pakistan's main hope for an Olympic medal.
Editor: Bi Mingxin
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ISLAMABAD, April 17 (Xinhua) -- The well-organized and trouble-free Beijing Olympics Torch Relay in Islamabad on Wednesday has yet again established Pakistan's ability to hold international sporting events in a satisfactory manner, President of Pakistan Olympic Association (POA) said Thursday.
"The entire world was witness to our organizing abilities as the torch relay was shown live internationally", Syed Arif Hasan, President of POA told reporters here.
"The Beijing Olympics torch relay in Islamabad was diligently organized and its successful culmination should be an honor and pride for our people," Arif said.
A spectacular torch relay was held in Islamabad on Wednesday with dazzling fireworks, folk cultural shows, torch-carrying by the country's former sporting stars such as Jahangir Khan, Hassan Sardar and Samiullah and a stunning performance by a Chinese cultural troupe, official Associated Press of Pakistan reported.
"There was no problem of security during Olympic torch' stay in Islamabad," Arif said. "Even our Chinese friends who came with the Olympic torch were impressed with the way the different ceremonies of the torch relay was held."
Both the President and Prime Minister of Pakistan attended the Torch Relay.
Arif said the Torch Relay would help attract the youth towards sports which were the best ambassador abroad for a country and itspeople. He also disclosed that the government had released a grant of eight million rupees (around 127,000 U.S. dollars) and had also promised more for staging the torch relay, which was the first time since 1964 when Olympic torch visited Pakistan.
The Beijing Olympics Organizing Committee selected Islamabad as one of the 21 cities outside China's mainland for the torch relay.
Arif said a wild-card entry in shooting had already been given to Pakistan for the Beijing Olympic Games while hockey would be Pakistan's main hope for an Olympic medal.
Editor: Bi Mingxin
Related Stories
Torch relay starts in Islamabad
Olympic torch relay in Islamabad concludes

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day has yet again established Pakistan's ability to hold international sporting events in a satisfactory manner, President of Pakistan Olympic Association (POA) said Thursday.
"The entire world was witness to our organizing abilities as the torch relay was shown live internationally", Syed Arif Hasan, President of POA told reporters here.
"The Beijing Olympics torch relay in Islamabad was diligently organized and its successful culmination should be an honor and pride for our people," Arif said.
A spectacular torch relay was held in Islamabad on Wednesday with dazzling fireworks, folk cultural shows, torch-carrying by the country's former sporting stars such as Jahangir Khan, Hassan Sardar and Samiullah and a stunning performance by a Chinese cultural troupe, official Associated Press of Pakistan reported.
"There was no problem of security during Olympic torch' stay in Islamabad," Arif said. "Even our Chinese friends who came with the Olympic torch were impressed with the way the different ceremonies of the torch relay was held."
Both the President and Prime Minister of Pakistan attended the Torch Relay.
Arif said the Torch Relay would help attract the youth towards sports which were the best ambassador abroad for a country and itspeople. He also disclosed that the government had released a grant of eight million rupees (around 127,000 U.S. dollars) and had also promised more for staging the torch relay, which was the first time since 1964 when Olympic torch visited Pakistan.
The Beijing Olympics Organizing Committee selected Islamabad as one of the 21 cities outside China's mainland for the torch relay.
Arif said a wild-card entry in shooting had already been given to Pakistan for the Beijing Olympic Games while hockey would be Pakistan's main hope for an Olympic medal.
Editor: Bi Mingxin
Related Stories
Torch relay starts in Islamabad
Olympic torch relay in Islamabad concludes

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The Youth Olympic Games
© EYOF15 February 2008
Singapore to host the 1st Summer Youth Olympic Games in 2010
The Vision
The vision of the Youth Olympic Games is to inspire young people around the world to participate in sport and adopt and live by the Olympic values. It was during its session in Guatemala in July 2007 that the IOC decided to create a nw sporting event to educate, engage and influence young athletes inspiring them to play an active role in their communities.

What are the YOG?The Youth Olympic Games are a sporting event for young people, balancing sport, education and culture. These Games work as a catalyst in these fields throughout the Olympic Movement.

The YOG’s objectives are: 1. to bring together the world’s best young athletes and celebrate them2. to offer a unique and powerful introduction to Olympism3. to innovate in educating and debating Olympic values and challenges of society4. to share and celebrate the cultures of the world in a festive atmosphere5. to reach youth communities throughout the world to promote Olympic values6. to raise sports awareness and participation among young people7. to act as a platform for initiatives within the Olympic Movement8. to be an event of the highest international sporting standard.

Who? What? When?
The Youth Olympic Games aim to bring together talented athletes – aged from 14 to 18 - from around the world to participate in high-level competitions, but also, alongside the sports element of the event, to run educational programmes on the Olympic values, the benefits of sport for a healthy lifestyle, the social values sport can deliver and the dangers of doping and of training to excess and/or of inactivity.
The first ever Summer Youth Olympic Games will bring together approximately 3,200 athletes and 800 officials in 2010. The sports programme will encompass all 26 sports on the programme of the 2012 Summer Games, with a limited number of disciplines and events. The first Winter Olympic Youth Games will bring together around 1,000 athletes and 500 officials. The athletes will compete – for the first time in 2012 - in all seven Olympic Winter Sports. The YOG follow the traditional cycle of four years, with Summer Games in 2010, 2014, 2018, etc and Winter Games in 2012, 2016, 2020, etc. Singapore to host the 1st Summer Youth Olympic Games in 2010Singapore will host the 1st Summer Youth Olympic Games in 2010. The result of the election based on the cast of 105 IOC members eligible to vote, was unveiled 0n 21 February 2008 by IOC President Jacques Rogge at the Olympic Museum in Lausanne.
Nine cities took part in the candidature process that started in August 2007: Athens (Greece), Bangkok (Thailand), Debrecen (Hungary), Guatemala City (Guatemala), Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia), Moscow (Russian Federation), Poznan (Poland), Singapore (Singapore) and Turin (Italy). Singapore beat Moscow in the final by 53 votes to 44.
Relive the announcement (Windows media) (Video 14:32 minutes) Relive the announcement short version (Windows media) (3:00 minutes) Official Website of SingaporeAfter the 1st Summer YOG in 2010 come the 1st Winter YOG in 2012 The IOC has already launched the bidding process for the 1st Winter Youth Olympic Games in 2012. A letter was sent out to all National Olympic Committees (NOCs) informing them of the procedure and documentation available for cities interested in bidding for the Games. For more information on the 1st Winter Youth Olympic Games and the bidding process: Brochure 1st Winter Youth Olympic Games in 2012Questionnaire 1st Winter Youth Olympic Games in 2012


The Youth Olympic Games (YOG) are a 12-day (10-day for Winter YOG) multi-sport, cultural and educational event for young people and driven by young people. The YOG will add a new dimension to the Olympic ideal, complementing what is already being achieved through the Olympic Games and the numerous IOC projects to bring the Olympic values alive. The YOG will bring together talented athletes from around the world to participate in high-level competitions and lead them on their way to becoming true Olympians. This event will allow the Olympic Movement to extend its reach and stimulate worldwide sports activities.Learn more
Paralympic Games

Tuesday, April 15, 2008


i am sorry. please excuse me. if i made problems for you. i want to see you. i will just see from the distance if you like only. we have given holi day for ugaadi . i will come there if you give you permission to see you. otherwise iwill not come there. if this message gives you problem, i am sorry. this is the last message . i will not send you again.
that is the auspicious moment i experience in my life when your hand is on me. that is the greatness of your hand. i missed you a lot. a beautiful has disappeared. it will be a dream though out my life. i am heartfully accepting your feelings. you can do what ever you like.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008


I am sorry. Plese excuse me. If i made problemes 4 you.I want see u. I will just see 4m the dstence if u lke 1ly.

sanjana love

[edit] L
Love is given as much as it's taken - Dinesh Ranasinghe
True love doesn't need words, true love can speak for itself.
Jodie Lake
What will survive of us is love.
Philip Larkin
The world is wonderful and beautiful and good beyond one's wildest imagination. Never, never, never could one conceive what love is, beforehand, never. Life can be great-quite god-like. It can be so. God be thanked I have proved it.
D. H. Lawrence (1885-1930), British author. Letter, 2 June 1912 (published in The Letters of D. H. Lawrence, vol. 1, ed. by James T. Boulton, 1979). Lawrence wrote the letter after eloping to Germany with Frieda von Richthofen, wife of his old university professor, whom he later married.
We've got this gift of love, but love is like a precious plant. You can't just accept it and leave it in the cupboard or just think it's going to get on by itself. You've got to keep watering it. You've got to really look after it and nurture it.
John Lennon
Everything is clearer when you're in love.
John Lennon
How can I give love when I don't know what it is I'm giving?
John Lennon, 'How?'
Love is the flower you've got to let grow.
John Lennon
Love is a promise, love is a souvenir, once given never forgotten, never let it disappear.
John Lennon
All you need is love.
John Lennon/Paul McCartney
There is nothing more painful than seeing someone you love loving someone else. But there is nothing more rewarding than seeing two people you love loving each other.
J.H. Li
He who has never experienced hurt, cannot experience true love.
Tristan J. Loo
Don't be afraid of showing affection. Be warm and tender, thoughtful and affectionate. Men are more helped by sympathy than by service. Love is more than money, and a kind word will give more pleasure than a present.
Sir John Lubbock
Love is the delusion that one woman differs from another.
H. L. Mencken
Love can be re-kindled as a flame can flare up from a snuffed out candle.
Leonid S. Sukhorukov

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Tuesday, April 1, 2008


love is like love not a lough.
True love is equales to mother love.
Love is not a atracation it as an affecation and underastandinig from both side.
love is not a odenery thing it impertent for your day today life.